Upcoming hifi shows
MastersounD taken part to the most important hi-fi shows in the world from his born, below the last few years archive and upcoming ones.

International High-end Audio & Visual Expo 2020
Sunshine Hotel - room 410
6. - 7. - 8. NOVEMBER 2020
Beijing Advanced Sound Show

Beijing 2019 Advanced Sound Show (Beijing - China)
Beijing Kuntai Hotel
meet us room 627
28. - 30. JUNE 2019
Dalian hifi show

Dalian hifi show
1st International Vacuum Tube Exhibition of China
Dalian Intercontinental Hotel
meet us room 1005
14. - 16. JUNE 2019

SINTONIE Hi-end Video Exhibition 2018 - RIMINI (ITALY)
Palacongressi Rimini
will be present the MastersounD staff
21. - 22. - 23. SEPTEMBER 2018
Alta Fedeltà

Official italian presentation PF100 litz edition
Alta Fedeltà - Calco (LC) ITALY
and demonstration of some MastersounD amplifiers, will be present our staff
23. - 24. JUNE 2018